Some FAQs. Suggestions or comments then email suggestions@uglymug.org.uk.
  • Newcomer
    Perfect place for answers to the questions of 'What am I doing here?' and 'How do I quit?'
  • Communication
    Need new ways to abuse your friends? Answers right in here.
  • Building
    Need to build a frag grenade or small fluffy teddy bear? We should be able to point you somewhere.
  • Command
    Want to know cool things about commands? Take a peek...


Here are some tutorials about the game. If you have a request for a tutorial, or a comment about them then please email suggestions@uglymug.org.uk.
  • Newcomer
    If you're new to Ugly then this is the perfect starting place.
  • Communication
    There are many ways to communicate on Ugly. This tutorial will help you find your way.
  • Building
    UglyMUG is a extensible. You can do whatever you want on it (build your own house, universe, compiler) and this document will give you the basics.